8/2/98-Moxy Früvous with Jackie Tice opening, King of Prussia, PA. Sonja took Jesse Brown, Matt Dudek and myself to this show. We hung out at the mall beforehand for a bit, and then made our way to the outdoor place where they had the concert. First outdoor show, very cool. It was also free. We got in, and plunked ourselves down on the grass right in front of the stage. Dropped out stuff, got up and got several tshirts each. Jesse and Matt purchased a few CDs as well. Jackie Tice was just a folk singer, nothing very important, but not bad either. Moxy Früvous came out in good time. They were actually playing in a gazebo, which the band noticed quickly and had a lot of fun with. It was a huuuuge crowd for a Früvous show, and they seemed to be really into it. They played a bunch of great songs, almost everyhing I could have asked for, I heard. Great fun all around. Moxy always stays around after shows to sign autographs, but sadly we had to leave so we could get back to Williamsport.
By Dylan Flipse,