10/11/05 Holy Crap! this page sucks!

well now is as good of a time as any to do a little updateing.

a little about me:

I'm a theatre major, and a possible math ed. major at New Mexico State. That's roughly an hour away from the border of Mexico for those of you who dont know. Living here has caused several things to happen to me: a) a mild addiction to green chile b) a deeper appreciation for real friends and c) the darkest tan of my life. For those of you who see me everyday, the tan things is not a joke. this pale cream is very dark compared to the bleach white of my younger years.


Well some major changes should be coming up soon. Zerek's amazing drive to make a kick ass website has inspired me, so maybe I'll do some work on here. however, one this wont change.The classicChou View

Oh Rose! What a name,

the name of that over-popular flower.

A name so perfect for a girl like you

A rose so sweet, so beautiful

btu with thorns that can cut,

and make you bleed, and want to

hold the rose no more.

But all wounds heal and

the want to have you in

ones life will retunr over & over.

A rose, like you, lives on

forever, through pictures

and memoriesand wel... holidays

It's the spirt that keeps us

wanting more

And you, Rose, have the

spirt, the desire, the


You will live on without


An Ode to Rose - By Tracy J.

One new thing would be pics of me skydiving. Most people have a hard time beleiving I'd do it untill they see these.

I also have a crappy Pi Phi website in the process on here. Pi Phi. But it's really bad.

pictures that are old as fuck new pictures have been finding their way tho that bullshit place: My Space!

Another old and classic peice of my page: however this is now 8 years old, and should be changed. rose test

My live journal

A special thanks to

