They Might Be Giants at Oberlin

May 5, 2001-They Might Be Giants play at the Oberlin College in Oberlin, OH. SR-71 and Muckaferguson are the opener.

For unimportant reasons, I'm on the ultimate frisbee mailing list at college. So I knew they had a party/frisbee tournament at Oberlin the day of this concert. I met up with a couple frisbee types the night before the show as they were throwing a fridge off my building and asked them if I might be able to get a ride. I wasn't promised anything, but told to show up at 9AM or some unholy hour the next morning and see if there were seats available. I showed up, and as it turned out, there were seats.

So I met some pretty cool people and got a ride to Oberlin, maybe an hour away. All morning was spent watching them drink beer while they played frisbee, which was fairly entertaining. I also caught the TMBG sound check. Eventually, the concert thing started up. The first band was SR-71, and instead of listening to them, we went into town and got some food. Came back and Muckaferguson was just starting. Just like the previous night, they were a lot of fun. I saw both my programming and econ professors there. Now, this was on Saturday and I had finals in their classes on the upcoming Wednesday and Monday, but it was still cool. Again, I liked TMBG's set. I sort of ditched the people who gave me the ride and pushed/congaed ("Everybody conga, I'm not fucking kidding.") my way to the front where the crowd was just awesome. Everybody jumping, no one pushing or being an asshole. Very good set by the band, also. Met up with the fribee people after the show and got my ride back to Case. Excellent time.

Read about the rest of the concerts I've been to on my Concerts Page.
By Dylan Flipse,