So. This is Life... Existing in three or, some claim, four dimensions. What is it that makes people going on? Or for that matter, want to stop going on? All I know is that in my 20 years of existence on this ball of atoms I have wanted to do both, sometimes at the same time. Life is what you make of it, but then why do some people not want to make it anything at all?

Philosophy? No, I never took it. I'm just one of the questioners, you know, those people who are never satisfied with anything you tell them. We all have to know everything about all of it. So then why is it that I can never get the answers? Well, besides 42, there are no real answers. I suppose I should be happy with my life, I am, don’t worry. I have a beautiful fiancé and a job for as long as I want it in the USAF. They take care of me, health and other benefits, and it gives me a sense of "doing something". When my fiancé becomes my wife she will get the same. We won’t need to work just to survive; we will work to make life better. I have a car, computer, CDs, things to wear, all the things that make life better than just simple existence, but why then does it sometimes feel that way. I've been known to the IRC community as different things over the years, SoulSeekR, Lestat, Paladin, Airman42, being the more noted ones, but my current nick seems to sum up my residing on this planet. HitchHkr, a <9 character Undernet friendly nick stemming from Hitch Hiker. I took it from "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy", and from a lot of thoughts on life and things of that nature. HHGTTG just refreshed my look on life so that I had reason to draw that nick for myself.

Beyond the IRC realm I've been called "Mr. Anderson" and "Neo", in reference to my way of dressing, that which resembles the "The Matrix" character. I dressed that way long before the movie's debut. "Colonel" by classmates of mine in USAF tech school due to my stubbornness and ideas on how to proceed. I have been called many names by the close-minded to include "Faggot", "Queer", "Freak", "Homo", and other such degrading terms because of my appearance, ideas, company or other such influences to my life. To my credit, I’m not a bundle of sticks, but yes at times I’m funny, odd, and yes, I believe I’m a member of the genus Homo, as are all people, Homo Sapiens. Yet to those close-minded people to use these words as derogatory ones is, or would appear to be, a great thrill for them.

The members of the FDC family, and the #gifted world are those people that, if given a choice, I would most likely die to defend, and as they well know, I would put up one hella fight before it was all over. These people here mean acceptance, respect, a level of self worth, yea, we screw around, probably more than most groups, but it doesn’t matter. We have scholars, skaters, sochs’, greasers, rednecks, followers, leaders, fighters, lovers, freaks, geeks, all matter of ages, and not a one of us can be found with out at least one other type. All in all this is a blend of culture that one is hard pressed to find coexisting, let alone thriving off each other. One thing here brings us together. An open mind. It is that very thing that lets us live.

This had started to be about my life thus far. This is not where I pictured this writing ending up, but, now that it’s here, this is my life. Its blending with those people that make something of their lives by opening their minds to the rest of the world and getting together with others who do the same. Your life isn’t about you, sorry, it isn’t. It’s about those other existing Homo Sapiens whose existences you directly relate with. Whether you and they feel queer, or get a bit freakish, or feel like going to the woods and making some faggots. Its what you do that affects other people that is your life. With out them you have no life to speak of and with out you and others no one else has a life either. So then, isn’t it better to have the best life you can, be open minded, and always carry a towel.

Hitch Hiker
By Dylan Flipse,