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Prose (Things to Read) - Pictures (Things to See)

Current highlights (most recently updated stuff)- Photo Albums, Year Late - Week 2

Updates and News

4/7/2010-Finished my glorious bottle of Passover Coke today. Not too much else of significance to add, except that I am considering revising my practice of passive-only participation in some of the modern social networking venues.

12/18/2009-Major news story going on right now - apparently something crazy has happened with Tiger Woods. Has anyone heard any details?

2009/9/23-Five months is certainly the longest time I've ever had Writers Block, but I can at least take advantage of a day off to fill you in on a random series of thoughts on what I've been doing. I made it to my second year of my Emergency Medicine program, though most of it has been a blur. My job is still very fun, but is probably best summarized as making several thousand decisions every day, ranging from trivial to potentially life-alterning, and the exhaustion that comes from those shifts is hard to convey in terms of hours worked. But a day off is great in anyone's book - I'm using mine to play around a bit on the computer I built last week, currently getting Picasa 3.5 set up and trying out the "People" feature, which is about 3% done scanning the photos on my computer and trying to match and identify faces. Might be one of the more useful things to come to wrangling the huge numbers of photos I currently have stored locally. In other fun notes, Eric Dougherty and I have taken up homebrewing beer in his basement, and the hobby is a great mix of chemistry, DIY projects, and cooking, with results that so far have ranged from drinkable to very tasty. Surahbi and I went to Iceland for a short vacation, and it was awesome. As always, pictures will eventually be online.

A Little History and Background

I don't know how you could get here without knowing who I am, but...I'm Dylan Flipse. I'm a recent graduate of the Temple University School of Medicine. This site is entirely of my creation. I began it on January 1, 1999. The Pic Page and a few other things were brought over from my old Geocities site (link long-since dead). I'm currently 28 years of age, recently graduated from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. I live in Philadelphia, PA. More about me can and should be gleaned from the various pages of this site. Enjoy.

Thanks To

My dad for paying for hosting for so many years. Second, thanks to Sam, Tom, Luke, and others for any help with the site. Thanks to Robert for dealing with various domain and hosting issues. Big thanks to everyone who has sent me information, pictures, written something, or otherwise contributed to the site. Thanks to Neil, as always, for being my editor. Thank you to Surabhi, my muse. And thanks to you for visiting.

The counter says people have visited. Needless to say, it counts too fast.
By Dylan Flipse,

Clickity-click-click-click on dat dem click dadgum browser nekkid chicks
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