Fun Fact of the Day Twenty-Nine I called my friend Jason with the idea of talking to his little brother. Jason has this weird idea that I'm stalking his family, I guess it's cause I show up at his house and say, "Can I play with your little brother and sisters?" Anyway I had a nice conversation with his brother cause Jason wasn't there. Transcript follows-

Who's this?
Jason isn't here
Then I'll talk to you.
What are you doing?
Watching Beethoven
Do you like the big dog?
Uh huh.
So..did you have turkey?
No...I got J-E-L-L-O
Mmmmm. Did you have Thanksgiving a few days ago?
Did you have turkey then?
Sounds good.
I'll talk to you later.
He's such a cool little kid. But most kids are. There is something very wrong. My sister is a classic inDUHvidual. Am I right? Thse of you not members of the DNRC have no idea what I'm talking about and that's cool. So anyway, today I see her reading the Scott Adams newsletter!!!! Not good. He hasn't sent out a new one of those in quite a while, I guess he's rather busy. I thought today's comic was rather good. So I sent it to you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you. And you.(roll video of Neil and Pat during Sound of Music) Te he.

The memories site on my page is updated and has a nifty new color scheme. Be sure to sign the guestbook so I can send you instructions on how to recieve your reward.

I don't like this, it's pitch black outside and only 5:30. Kinda depressing. I'm also bored. There is also a dinosaur tearing my screen apart. I like screensavers.


Ascii Man- Da da dum.

See how bored I am?

I think later I'll print up some more counterfit currency. That will be fun. I bet a few of you are still wondering why I took of my clothes in school. So am I. No really folks, I'll have to be sure to get around to informing you about that.

That's it for today.

I attached this file, cause I tought it was cool. file:C:\UPLINK\NETSCAPE\CACHE\M0PA1QBR.GIF

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