(Mostly Santorini)
Check out other stops in Paris and Prague.
Sunset over Santorini, destination #2. This is a view from our villa.
A view of the caldera, or the inward depression formed as a result of prior volcanic eruption and then filled with Aegean sea water.
Our personal patio!
The town
Riding on the cable car to get down to the water.
Our tour guide on a boat trip to the islands & hot springs...also named Nick.
Drink Mythos beer! Zeus said so!
Our villa manager, super nice guy...also named Nick.
A spread at a wine tasting at Santorini Wines.
More views of the Aegean.
The rocks & sand are red because of large amounts of iron deposits as a result of repeated volcanic eruptions. The sand is actually magnetic!
Dylan with his rented Greek car, named Dale, not Nick.
The village of villas in which we stayed. They build everything right into the cliffs!
The writing's on the wall.
The Acropolis--obviously in Athens, not Santorini.
Check out other stops in Paris and Prague.
By Dylan Flipse,
and Surabhi Gaur